Regional Commissioners

Hello, I am C.A. Wortley, the North East Commissioner. I joined Clan Farquharson USA in 1987 and became the Commissioner in 1995. At that time, I was a full-time performer on the touring festival circuit, traveling as far as Oklahoma, Florida, and Scotland to perform at Highland Games and Celtic Festivals. During the New England summers, I would also attend nearby games with the clan tent in tow. I often juggled between playing music on stage with my Martin D28 guitar and representing the Farquharson clan on clan row.
However, after September 2001, the tours stopped, and I spent my time running a small kilt shop in rural western Maine and working in law enforcement. In 2006, I went to a lonely mountain to record, write, and search for the meaning of life. After several years of not finding it, I returned to Portland with my studio and held various interesting jobs. I even teamed up with an old friend from Ireland to play at pubs. The last ten years of my working life were spent supervising a security team serving cruise ships at the Port of Portland.
Nowadays, I spend my time split between protecting cathedrals, recording audio and video, puppeteering with Punch & Judy puppets, playing with British model trains, and serenading anyone who wants to listen with my Irish Bouzouki on a bench in the Old Port. And of course, I’m back to traveling with the “wee Farquharson tent” to as many Highland Games as possible.

Carrie acquired her commissioner status from past president Jim McKeehan. She has enjoyed bringing her daughter up to know her heritage and helping others learn about all things Scotland. Carrie’s husband loves manning the tent as much as she does. Carrie also enjoys riding horses.

Mike has been the Utah Commissioner since 2011. Before that he was a Highland Athlete and in 2009 was the C Class National Sheaf Toss Champion. He retired from throwing and became the Commissioner when his dad could no longer run the Clan tent. He is extremely proud of his Heritage and appreciates what his ancestors went through so that he might not only exist, but also where he exists.
Mike is very patriotic and loves football, hockey, rugby, golf and swimming. At work he manages a team of Blood Donor Recruiters for a local non-profit blood organization. His wife and he are both Paranormal Investigators and will talk ghosts with anyone willing to listen. He likes to cook, and attempted his own homemade Haggis recipe. His wife and he have just about perfected the Scotch Egg and she makes award-winning Short Bread Cookies. He served a 2-year church mission to Connecticut and Rhode Island where he learned to be outgoing, and how to approach people. He has been a socialite ever since.
South Central

Since 2019 Richard has had the distinct honor of representing our noble Clan as Commissioner for the Great State of Texas. While growing up listening to stories of our history from his beloved great-grandmother, Lillie Finley Warner, a deep and perpetual sense of pride for our ancient line was instilled in him. From tales of the 1745 rebellion onward, our clan has lived up to its motto: “Fide et Fortitudine”. By faith and Fortitude. Fast forward to the present, and our clan has stretched beyond the seas. But holding onto those most core of values, he is confident we will continue our incomparable legacy for centuries to come.
North Central

Jim is the Clan Farquharson, USA, Commissioner for the great state of Oklahoma! He is a Finlay by blood, Camp being an adoptive name of his paternal grandfather. His uncle, Calvin Camp, and he, have been running the Clan Farquharson tent at the Highland Games and festivals across the state, for two years now. Together they hope to grow our membership across Oklahoma, and surrounding states. He is an RN in Anadarko, OK. Jim has been married to his beautiful wife, Stacy, for thirty years, and they have four awesome children.

Colin hails from Glasgow and has been the Central Florida Commissioner since 2018. He sets up tents at the Central Florida Highland games and Mount Dora Scottish Festival each year. Colin hopes to expand his reach as time allows.
State Commissioners

Melissa Van Otten (née Dyer) and her spouse, Nick Olson, currently serve as the Alabama State Commissioners for Clan Farquharson (starting in 2025). Melissa’s great grandmother, Virgie Viola Farquhar, called rural Fayette, Alabama her home. This Farquharson line emigrated to North Carolina around the mid 1700s and hails from East Ayrshire, Angus, and Aberdeenshire back to at least the 1300s.
Melissa and Nick are committed to ensuring that the traditions of the Clan are celebrated for future generations while embracing the dynamic and growing Farquharson family across Alabama. You can find Farquharson tents at the Rocket City Scottish Festival & Highland Games (Huntsville, AL) and also at the Southeast Alabama Highland Games (Daleville, AL)

Stuart was born (1952) and currently lives in Connecticut. He has also lived in NY, TX, MI, IN, and CA. Stuart has been a CFUSA Commissioner and/or Vice President since 1997.
He descends from William Farquharson (b. ~1740) and Anna Mason (married 1762) Aberdeenshire. Four of his great-great grandsons (brothers) and their mother immigrated to New England in ~1890 from St. Andrews. Their grandfather, James, and several generations of his descendants are buried in St. Andrews Cathedral Cemetery (16 people from 1793 to 1950). His wife Susan (nee Wilson of the Gunn Clan) and he have been fortunate to have visited Braemar and our late Chief Alwyne Compton Farquharson several times over the last 30 years, thanks to his father’s initiating a correspondence in the 1960s.
He has written one book “The Jacobite Rising of 1715 – A Clan Farquharson Perspective”, and is in the process of writing “The Jacobite Rising of 1745 – A Clan Farquharson Perspective” as suggested by our late Chief. He also wrote a number of short stories for The Cairn (CFUSA Quarterly Newsletter) from 1998 to 2005. Stuart also has a PhD Chemistry: University of Texas. Faculty positions: Abilene Christian U, Michigan State U, Purdue U. DoD Contractor: Chem-Bio Analyzers and Medical Devices (Two current contracts are keeping me from retiring.) He has published over 150 scientific articles including one in Science (the #1 scientific journal), one with Nobel Laureate Henry Tauby, one with Priestly Winner F. Albert Cotton, and one with Stephen A. Morse, lead investigator for the CDC regarding the 2001 anthrax attacks.
Stuart was fortunate to have been trained by Olympic Diving Coach Phil Moriarty and Olympic Gymnastics Coach Abie Grossfeld, which led to a verbal invitation to try out for 1980 USA Diving Team. He won 3 gold medals for Team USA Ultimate Frisbee Team, and one National Championship in Ultimate Frisbee with Boston Team (The latter is harder to achieve, yet my wife won 5!).
He has had a privileged life, but by no means did he have a privileged upbringing. All of his family and relatives are blue collar tradesmen, many serving in the military. He paid for all of his education with money earned as a carpenter, beginning at age 13.

Colin hails from Glasgow and has been the Central Florida Commissioner since 2018. He sets up tents at the Central Florida Highland games and Mount Dora Scottish Festival each year. Colin hopes to expand his reach as time allows.

Colin hails from Glasgow and has been the Central Florida Commissioner since 2018. He sets up tents at the Central Florida Highland games and Mount Dora Scottish Festival each year. Colin hopes to expand his reach as time allows.

Hello, I am C.A. Wortley, the North East Commissioner. I joined Clan Farquharson USA in 1987 and became the Commissioner in 1995. At that time, I was a full-time performer on the touring festival circuit, traveling as far as Oklahoma, Florida, and Scotland to perform at Highland Games and Celtic Festivals. During the New England summers, I would also attend nearby games with the clan tent in tow. I often juggled between playing music on stage with my Martin D28 guitar and representing the Farquharson clan on clan row.
However, after September 2001, the tours stopped, and I spent my time running a small kilt shop in rural western Maine and working in law enforcement. In 2006, I went to a lonely mountain to record, write, and search for the meaning of life. After several years of not finding it, I returned to Portland with my studio and held various interesting jobs. I even teamed up with an old friend from Ireland to play at pubs. The last ten years of my working life were spent supervising a security team serving cruise ships at the Port of Portland.
Nowadays, I spend my time split between protecting cathedrals, recording audio and video, puppeteering with Punch & Judy puppets, playing with British model trains, and serenading anyone who wants to listen with my Irish Bouzouki on a bench in the Old Port. And of course, I’m back to traveling with the “wee Farquharson tent” to as many Highland Games as possible.

Hello, I am C.A. Wortley, the North East Commissioner. I joined Clan Farquharson USA in 1987 and became the Commissioner in 1995. At that time, I was a full-time performer on the touring festival circuit, traveling as far as Oklahoma, Florida, and Scotland to perform at Highland Games and Celtic Festivals. During the New England summers, I would also attend nearby games with the clan tent in tow. I often juggled between playing music on stage with my Martin D28 guitar and representing the Farquharson clan on clan row.
However, after September 2001, the tours stopped, and I spent my time running a small kilt shop in rural western Maine and working in law enforcement. In 2006, I went to a lonely mountain to record, write, and search for the meaning of life. After several years of not finding it, I returned to Portland with my studio and held various interesting jobs. I even teamed up with an old friend from Ireland to play at pubs. The last ten years of my working life were spent supervising a security team serving cruise ships at the Port of Portland.
Nowadays, I spend my time split between protecting cathedrals, recording audio and video, puppeteering with Punch & Judy puppets, playing with British model trains, and serenading anyone who wants to listen with my Irish Bouzouki on a bench in the Old Port. And of course, I’m back to traveling with the “wee Farquharson tent” to as many Highland Games as possible.

I am Will Christie and this is my wife Tammy. We have lived here in Michigan most of our lives, only leaving to serve in the Army 1990-1994 and 94-98 in the Michigan Reserves. I spent four years serving in the Infantry, in the 2nd Infantry Division in Korea and 101st Infantry Division in Ft. Campbell, Ky.
New Mexico

Hi my name is Senry Kiser and I am proud to represent New Mexico! Raised in northern NM I now reside in Albuquerque and work in biomedical research. In my spare time I am involved in the NM Celtic Renaissance festival, the St. Andrews Scottish Society of NM and recently joined a band as a tenor drummer following in my mother and uncle’s footsteps.
North Carolina

Brittney was raised in California, but settled on the coast of North Carolina in 2016, where her husband served his last tour in the USMC before retiring.
Brittney is the daughter of Craig Farquharson, and the grand daughter of Gordon LeRoy Farquharson. She is enjoying learning the family history and connecting with members from Clan Farquharson.
She looks forward to representing the Clan in North Carolina.

How y’all doing? As we say in the great state of Oklahoma, my name is Calvin Camp, but it’s not really Camp; my paternal grandfather’s name was Joseph Finlay. I am the uncle of Jim “Finlay” Camp, who is my partner in crime when it comes to setting up our clan tent.
Our clan tent journey actually began when we visited another clan’s tent. We stopped by Clan Lindsay, and as we chatted with them, we mentioned that we were from Clan Farquharson. They said, “Wait a minute, we’ve got something for you,” and then they presented us with a handmade wooden badge that was to be given to the first Farquharson Clan member to enter their tent. Jim and I exchanged glances, and we knew this was a sign that we needed to represent our clan, which we truly enjoy!
I worked for the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company plant in Lawton, Oklahoma, for 32 years and retired in 2016. My beautiful wife, Diane, also spent 22 years there. I worked primarily in Process Control during my time there. Since retiring, I spend most of my time helping others free of charge. One day, I might be fixing a lawnmower; the next day, it could be a boat motor, building a wood project, or fixing a laptop. I’ll attempt almost any project— I always say, “GOD, YouTube, and me!” I also take friends to the doctor when needed, and my wife fully supports me in all my endeavors. I believe that humanity is the only thing that will save humanity, and it starts with each of us.
We have many hobbies; I am an avid fisherman and even paint many of my own lures. Diane is a devoted wife and our head seamstress, even making kilts for some of our family. It’s always a collaboration of ideas among all of us, which makes our tent successful.
That being said, if any of my fellow Commissioners need help with anything, just reach out!
Gu’m beannaicheadh Dia thu

My name is Victoria Alf. I come from a long line of Findlays, and have been immersed in the heritage of Clan Farquharson since I was little. I attended Scottish games and festivals with my dad growing up.
I work at an elementary school and in the summer I refer to myself as the “cruise director on land”, event managing weddings and corporate events. I also have run my own home based business with various products over the years.
I am quite the social bee when it comes to events and look forward to putting that talent to good use at future games and festivals as a Clan representative, with my husband, Trevor.
South Carolina

I am honored to serve as Commissioner for the state of South Carolina.
I come to Clan Farquharson by way of the Bowman line on my mother’s side of the family. I am excited for the opportunity to help teach our Clan history and grow our numbers across the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic.
I live just north of Columbia, SC where I was a firefighter for 31 years prior to retiring as a Battalion Chief in March 2023. My wife Katie and I started attending numerous Highland Games shortly after my retirement and have found this to be a hobby we both truly enjoy. We plan to have a tent at events all over SC with a few forays into NC and Ga in the coming years.
I have been married to my wife, Katie (Clan Young), for 25 years and we have 2 grown children. Marie (22) is an EMT here in Columbia and Patrick (21) is a Maintenance Tech at the Michelin plant in Lexington, SC.

Growing up, Amanda & Emily were always told that their family had a castle in Scotland. It was almost an inside joke, as hardly anyone in their family had ever been to Scotland, save for their grandfather, whose WWII deployment first landed him in that very country on the way to fight in western Europe. They already knew that their mother’s maiden name, Farquharson, was especially unique, but it wasn’t until high school that their curiosity and sense of history collided into the love of Scotland and Clan lore that it is today. They both started commissioner work in the fall of 2015, after speaking with a fellow clansman who encouraged them to share their love of history and culture. They currently work two events each year in their beautiful, adopted home state of Tennessee. They greatly enjoy greeting all of the visitors and hearing about their own genealogical journeys. It gives them such pride to wear their tartan, represent their ancestors, and listen to the skirl of the pipes along with so many others doing the same for their families.

Mike has been the Utah Commissioner since 2011. Before that he was a Highland Athlete and in 2009 was the C Class National Sheaf Toss Champion. He retired from throwing and became the Commissioner when his dad could no longer run the Clan tent. He is extremely proud of his Heritage and appreciates what his ancestors went through so that he might not only exist, but also where he exists.
Mike is very patriotic and loves football, hockey, rugby, golf and swimming. At work he manages a team of Blood Donor Recruiters for a local non-profit blood organization. His wife and he are both Paranormal Investigators and will talk ghosts with anyone willing to listen. He likes to cook, and attempted his own homemade Haggis recipe. His wife and he have just about perfected the Scotch Egg and she makes award-winning Short Bread Cookies. He served a 2-year church mission to Connecticut and Rhode Island where he learned to be outgoing, and how to approach people. He has been a socialite ever since.

Hello, I am C.A. Wortley, the North East Commissioner. I joined Clan Farquharson USA in 1987 and became the Commissioner in 1995. At that time, I was a full-time performer on the touring festival circuit, traveling as far as Oklahoma, Florida, and Scotland to perform at Highland Games and Celtic Festivals. During the New England summers, I would also attend nearby games with the clan tent in tow. I often juggled between playing music on stage with my Martin D28 guitar and representing the Farquharson clan on clan row.
However, after September 2001, the tours stopped, and I spent my time running a small kilt shop in rural western Maine and working in law enforcement. In 2006, I went to a lonely mountain to record, write, and search for the meaning of life. After several years of not finding it, I returned to Portland with my studio and held various interesting jobs. I even teamed up with an old friend from Ireland to play at pubs. The last ten years of my working life were spent supervising a security team serving cruise ships at the Port of Portland.
Nowadays, I spend my time split between protecting cathedrals, recording audio and video, puppeteering with Punch & Judy puppets, playing with British model trains, and serenading anyone who wants to listen with my Irish Bouzouki on a bench in the Old Port. And of course, I’m back to traveling with the “wee Farquharson tent” to as many Highland Games as possible.

James has been attending the PNW Highland Games and Clan Gathering in Enumclaw, WA, since the summer after he was born. His grandmother, Christine Finlay, originally from Greenock, ensured that every one of her children and grandchildren reserved that weekend in July for “The Games.” She also provided the tartan for them to wear during the Parade of the Clans. When James and Tasha had only been dating for a very short time, his family invited her to join them at The Games. Tasha happily accepted, unaware of the adventure that awaited her!
“Here, try these,” said James’ mother, Wendy, presenting a pile of tartan and lace. They had everything ready for Tasha to fit right in with the clan and told her to keep it all for “next year.” And so, she did, continuing this tradition every year after that. When their son was born, Tasha commissioned two kilts: one for the baby and a slightly bigger one for herself. This marked the beginning of the annual tradition of scrambling to put together Highland dress for their three growing children: Joshua, Aniella, and Elise. Thankfully, James’ sister, Sheilla, is a seamstress and a devoted member of Clan Farquharson.
Over the years, the Highland Games have become a beloved tradition and a highlight of the summer, especially for the children. Previous commissioners, Allen and Lois Bremmer, always made the rowdy gang of Muttons feel welcome at the Farquharson tent. When the Bremmers decided to scale back, they graciously attended last summer’s Games to “pass the torch” in person during the Calling of the Clans torchlighting ceremony. While they will continue to oversee the Farquharson tent in Eastern Washington at the Spokane Games, James and Tasha are excited to take on the role of new commissioners for Washington State.
However, it truly is a family affair. Wendy, Sheilla, her husband Bill, and all the grandkids—Cody, Jaxon, Merrik, Joshua, Aniella, and Elise—each feel a sense of ownership over the tent and a duty to uphold the tradition of welcoming and representing Clan Farquharson. Additionally, the family has begun volunteering with the Seattle Scottish Highland Games Association. Attending the monthly meetings has broadened their awareness of a vibrant community of Scots and various events in the area. From tartan balls and dinners to parades and other games, there are numerous opportunities to gather with amazing people, wear kilts, enjoy pipes, learn dances, and eat, drink, and be merry. They have spent the past year getting acclimated to these events and now look forward to inviting local members and fostering friendships within Clan Farquharson.