Tartans & Symbols

decorative background image of tartans and shields

Tartans of Clan Farquharson

Few items are as associated with the Scottish Clans than are tartans. Yet most of what we know about tartans are not from antiquity, but instead are no older than Sir Walter Scott. There are 5 Clan Farquharson tartans. All of them have an identical sett, or style of lines. The difference lay in the colors that are used. The different colors are used to show the differences in color after continued use and war of the tartans. The color progression goes as follows: 

Tartans of Clan Farquharson

Few items are as associated with the Scottish Clans than are tartans. Yet most of what we know about tartans are not from antiquity, but instead are no older than Sir Walter Scott. There are 5 Clan Farquharson tartans. All of them have an identical sett, or style of lines. The difference lay in the colors that are used. The different colors are used to show the differences in color after continued use and war of the tartans. The color progression goes as follows: 

Farquharson Modern

Farquharson Modern tartan

Dark rich colors. This is the recognized tartan of the clan, all others are variations of this tartan.

Farquharson Muted

Farquharson Muted Tartan

Colors are not quite as dark as the Modern,
but still rich.

Farquharson Ancient

Farquharson Ancient Tartan

Colors are very light in this version. This shows the different colors used and sett very will.

Farquharson Weathered

Top Farquharson Weathered tartan

Dark rich colors. This is the recognized tartan of the clan, all others are variations of this tartan.

Farquharson Dress

FarquharsonDress tartan

Colors are not quite as dark as the Modern,
but still rich.

Other Tartans connected to Clan Farquharson

Beyond the Farquharson tartans, there are several other tartans that members of Clan Farquharson can wear. Many of these tartans may be next to impossible to find from a retail source.


Aberdeenshire tartan


Christie tartan


Coutts tartan

Dark Lochnagar

Dark Lochnagar tartan


Deeside Tartan

Finzean's Fancy

FinzeansFancy Tartan


Lyon tartan


MacKinley Tartan


Patterson Tartan

Symbols of Clan Farquharson

Historically speaking there are several symbols of the Clan Farquharson: the plant badge, clan crest badge and the war cry.

War Cry: Carn na Cuimhne

War Cry

Gaelic for the “Place of Remembrance”

Pronounced “Cairn na queen”

Rallying place of Clan Farquharson

The Carn na Cuimhne is located on the A93 on the North bank of the river Dee just west of Balmoral Castle, before you get to the Inver Lodge.

Each stone represents a Clan Farquharson warrior that didn’t come back from battle.

Plant Badge of Clan Farquharson

Plant Badge

Scots Fir. Also known as Scotch Fir, Scots Pine, Scotch Pine.

Historically the members of the Clan were known by the plant badge that was in their bonnet or worn on their jacket. Each Clan would have its own plant badge. Note: the Red Whortleberry that is sometimes listed as the badge of Clan Farquharson is in fact the badge of the Clan Chattan. The Chief of Clan Farquharson ears Scots Fir as his plant badge.


“Fide Et Fortitudine” – Latin

“Fidelity and Fortitude” – traditional English translation

“Loyalty and Strength” – colloquial English

“I force nae freen, I fear nae foe” – Scots

Crest of the Farquharson of Invercauld

Farquharson Invercauld Crest

This is a portion of the Coat of Arms belonging to the Farquharson of Invercauld family. This Coat of Arms does not belong to the entire clan, but instead is owned directly by the Chief. Members of the Clan should only use the Crest badge. The description of the shield is “Split quarterly, the 1st and 4th sections, (or Gold), features the Lion rampant Gules; the 2nd and 3rd displaying Argent, a fir tree growing out of a mount gives the base with a Chief Gules royal banner of Scotland displayed on a canton of the field. To the left of sections 2 and 3, a hand issing from the sinister side holding a dagger that points downwards.”

Clan Farquharson Crest Badge

Farquharson Crest

This is the badge that should be worn by all members of Clan Farquharson to show that they are followers of the Chief of Clan Farquharson. Description of the Clan badge from the Lord Lyon: “On a chapeau Gules furred Ermine, a demi-lion Gules holding in his dexter paw a sword proper”. This is the crest badge for the Farquharson of Invercauld.

Cadet Families & Badges

Farquharson of Inverey

This is one of the most celebrated cadet branches of Clan Farquharson. Inverey lies approximately 5 miles west of Braemar on the River Dee. Previously owned by a branch of the Lamont family, it came into the control of the Farquharsons around 1622 to James Farquharson, son of Donald of Castleton and grandson of Finlay Mor Farquharson. The most famous member of this branch is John Farquharson of Inverey, or The Black Colonel. It is still a dominant branch of the family. 

The crest shows a sun coming out of the clouds with the motto “non semper sub umbra” or “not always under the shade”.

Farquharson of Finzean

This is one of the oldest cadet families of Clan Farquharson. It was founded by Finlay Mor Farquharson’s son Farquharson. It is located 33 miles west of Braemar and is south of the River Dee between Aboyne and Banchory. It came into the family in 1609 through a land grant from the Bishop of Aberdeen. The first Farquharson to own it was Robert, son of Donald and grandson of Finlay Mor Farquharson. The branch is still alive and owns Finzean House. The most famous member is the “Painting Laird” Joseph Farquharson. 

The crest is the red demi lion rampant with the motto “In Memorium Majorum”, or “In memory of our ancestors”.

Farquharson of Haughton

This branch is a representative of the Farquharsons that were originally part of the Cumming of Kellas and changed their name. They would marry into the Farquharson family. Haughton is located outside of Alford on the River Don about 30 miles morth of Braemar. There were multiple branches of Farquharsons on the Donside. This branch of the family is considered extinct, although there are family members still alive. 

The crest is a sun coming over a cloud with the motto “Illumino”, or “To Light”.

Farquharson of Corrachree

This branch of Clan Farquharson traces its origin to the Farquharson of Inverey. Corrachree is a Parish of Logie-Coldstone and considered Lowland, but was under the control of Highlanders. Corrachree is located between Logie-Coldstone and Tarland, about 26 miles from Braemar. 

The crest is the red demi-lion with sword and the motto is “Carn na Chuimne”, or “Place of Remembrance”. 

Lyon of Glamis

The Lyon family is an old Norman family that has owned Glamis Castle since 1376. They had consistent ties with Clan Farquhason in the highlands of Anugs around the shared border. Glamis is one of the most famous castles in Scotland. It is located about 48 miles from Braemar. 

The crest is a noble woman holding a thistle in her right hand with the motto “In Te Domine Speravi”, or “In the o Lord have I put my trust”.